Search Results
Duncan Hames questions Theresa May about Control Orders - 06.12.2010
Duncan Hames questions Theresa May on Public Protest Policing - 13.12.2010
Duncan Hames questions Theresa May about the US-UK Extradition Treaty - 06.09.2010
Duncan Hames asks Henry Billingham about War Crimes in Burma - 14.09.2010
Tim on newsnight: Control orders
Duncan Hames' Maiden Speech - 02.06.2010
Theresa May interviewed following her speech to the Police 19 May 2010
Theresa May visits Merseyside but fails to meet with PCS local reps.mp4
George Galloway interviews Afua Hirsch on control orders
Government urged to scrap control orders
UK to water down control orders
Theresa May on Ellison Enquiry 06 03 14